Saturday, October 23, 2010

Social Media

Social Media is a useful tool that Fandotech, LLC is currently leveraging to build brand recognition. We manage an active Facebook, Twitter and blog. In addition we have several videos outlining products and offerings on YouTube presently. Our stance on employees using Social media is pretty open. After all we are realists. Our stance and policy can be found here:


  1. You give a very clear explanation of your organization's policies regarding the use of social media. The point stating "Employees should remember that they are ALWAYS employees and their conduct online may communicate
    company values, and their actions reflect on themselves, and the company" is very important and I believe it will be put into more and more employee handbooks. Now that social media is prevalent for business use, the lines between work life and personal lifer are becoming thinner. Posting an angry or any other inappropriate comment regarding a situation at work may no longer be private and can cause for awkward moments at work or maybe even termination.

  2. Agreed that we are always a reflection on our company, but I believe a more relaxed policy may work. For example my brother's law firm allows use of all media as long as you do not advertise their company in an inappropriate manner. I believe professionals certainly need to be more careful about how they portray themselves or their businesses.

  3. I think it is great that your company urges employees to use socail media. With the business world accepting it more and more it is only right to allow the access of it into your company. It is a great benefit to your employees and your customers.

  4. You may not find this to be a compliment but, it is. Your more in tune with the type of information dissemination I'm used to seeing. Only in my case the company tends to lay it out in a more direct manner as demonstrated in my blog.

    Thanks for the taste of reality.

  5. Daniel,
    I found your layout to be very useful. I liked how you explained what social media was, its detriments, then your policies. Doing so will separate the generation gap of your employees in terms of confusion of what social media is. Then, convince the reader there is an issue and provide them ways to solve it! Well done!

  6. Daniel -

    Your company's social media policy is clear and concise. It encourages the use of social media for the betterment of the company, yet is clear in addressing the lasting effects when used improperly. I have seen some policies that have been too technical in their approach and in turn, lost their overall impact.

  7. Nice use of a white paper to outline what is expected of employees when using social networks. My company has not posted such a guideline as this and as they have for harassment and such. I think this is a valuable tool for your company to use for employee guidance.

  8. I agree that your company clearly realizes the potential impact to the company image that social media brings. This can be both positive and negative. I also like the fact that your company explicitly encourages the use of social media. I have not heard any other company encourage, it's usually fearful of the impact that a rogue employee can have.

  9. Your comment regarding the fact that employees should remember that they are ALWAYS employees even outside of the work environment can go even behind social media use. As discussed before it seems that over time our role as employee has really started to crowd all the other roles we have in life. Many of us seem to always be tuned in to our work even when we aren't at work.

  10. We see the lines of work and home blurring more and more. It is true that someone is always and employee even when off the clock, But now more than ever we are scrutinized for our off the clock behavior because it can be so visible.

  11. It is interesting that more restrictive social media policies leave people feeling...restricted. The more liberal, all-embracing policies leave people feeling violated. Keeps the lines between work and non-work fuzzy.
