Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Business' Potential

As a professional service organization focused on technology we face an ever-changing business landscape from day to day. The economy has forced companies to reassess their expenditures, while new competition enters the market daily.  This correlates to a reduction in corporate information technology budgets which places pressure on companies like us. In addition costs continue to rise which cuts our profit margin. Only continuous leveraging of the newest technology can continue to deliver a cost-effective solution that is easily managed and lowers overall TCO for the client. This is indeed our overall business strategy, delivering quality solutions and cost-effective technical support to clients. Maintaining this competitive edge can only be accomplished through each and every employee’s continued, concerted effort. Perseverance will lead to positive results similar to what we’ve enjoyed over the past couple years as our market share continues to grow through word of mouth from satisfied customers and brand recognition. Increased revenue will open up new market segments and ultimately create opportunity for employees and shareholders alike.


  1. Great job addressing individual employees instead of generalizing.

  2. I really liked the flow, I just would have wanted to know the name of the company.

  3. This is very to the point and makes it apparent what is needed from employees.

  4. Clear and Concise, nicely done. Good job of staying positive throughout and a nice way to motivate employees to get them to work harder.

  5. Good way of delivering a tough message. I liked how you finished positive,

  6. Your message was clear and well delivered. You were able to give a business perspective and how the employee could impact the business.

  7. Excellent approach. Clear message in a concise format.

  8. Also being in the IT field, I agree with your assessment of the current challenges to our business. I thought you touched on technology specifically but didn't get too much of a sense of how it will effect the employee. I thought you did a nice job of generalizing your company's overall strategy although think you could have connected to the employees a little better.

  9. A very good blog. You were on point connecting the challenges facing the company with the strategy outlined to deal with those challenges, and you clearly stated them which leaves no room for ambiguity.
    However, I feel your message could have done more reinforcing the employees by, perhaps, acknowledging them a little bit more for the roles they have played in bringing your company this far. Also, in my opinion, writing this in a paragraph format would have been better as it will make the reading less tedious. Good work.

  10. Just like D'Aprix's advised in his book, you were clear and honest with your workforce. You told them exactly what they are up against and what could be done. Good job!

  11. It was clear and to the point. Nice job

  12. I think this sounds too "corporate." Not sure employees would find it inspiring, though if they read it they could get the point.
