Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Steve Jobs "Leave us alone"

My strategy with this assignment was to read just the email string first, starting at the bottom with the student’s initial email to Steve Jobs. My hope with this approach was to avoid shaping my reaction with the opinion of others and what must be endless feedback about who’s right or wrong. My initial reaction is that this student seems to be a typical journalist, self-important, as if her grade is somehow more important than the support calls from millions of Apple customers. She cites six voicemails left for the Media relations department and mentions her grade six times. The Media Relations Department is no doubt prioritizing to keep up with true problems (like Jobs alludes to) and I am inclined to take their side. I may be biased because of the technical support/customer service work that I’ve done in the past.  
I am truly surprised that Jobs responded at all, I would think a better tact for him to take would have been to ignore the email. Once he started responding to her emails it may have been easier to just answer her three questions or delegate someone else to provide the standard Apple responses.